Friday, March 14, 2008

Up fall down start.

The tone of interpretation can make all the difference.. as sad as it is. It's a worldly standard I guess. I tend to tune out and find ways to prove myself right and divert focus to how much better a message can be delivered, where in reality, I totally end up missing what could be super relevant and impacting information. Blahhh. It's a pride thing.

Do yourself a favor and watch everything is spiritual by Rob Bell. It's worth however much it costs, I can tell you that.

Dumbfounding: the impact of straight up love. Sometimes I'll spend hours.. days.. on just over thinking what to say to get my point across, to make some lasting impression that'll change perspective.. when all I really need to do is show LOVE. It's interesting how much more meaningful revelation is when realized on a personal level. Fuck convincing, love will always speak louder than any fancy word I can come up with.. or whatever the case may be. ...saves time too.

Human relationship is freaking endless & everything is spiritual.

This new laptop is the upstart of my insomnia again.. or the downfall of sleep, whatever floats your raft. & with that said, I'm off to sleep.. only to wake up in a few hours for work. I don't wanna talk about it.

Love God Love people.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bears Eat Beets.

Today I want to quit smoking.

It is interesting that the WRATH of God is somehow always left out of your younglife leader's 15 minute repeat. Not to throw stones or anything.. I'm just putting it out there. I guess you can say it's just becoming more and more evident how unnecessarily unspeakable this particular fact has become.. for me anyway.

But it can be a hell of a thing to realize that God hates you.. just as He loves you.
(thank you praxis)

One thing is for sure, however. It sure doesn't sell well. &I guess that's why I'm not a salesman.. regardless of how priceless TRUTH is.


Today I learned that light, well photons, don't follow Newtonian laws of physics.. and neither does anything else outside the earth.. like the universe. &Ya I know that sounds incredibly nerdy but if you think about it.. ITS INSANE. Its almost incomprehensible. For example, a neutron star can weigh 100 million tons (because of its extreme gravitational pull) ...and fit a teaspoon. Cracked out or what? Explain me that... wait, you can't.
(thank you rob bell)

welp my Office theme song ringtone should be done (lol shut it. I'm addicted.) so I'm out.. hopefully I'll be using this regularly now that I own a laptop finally, no promises though.

have a great day. God loves (and hates) you. :]
